Sample Code: Basic Login , Roles authentication and Login attempt alerts.

In most web based system one of the most commonly used process is user authentication and page access.

This Login function is pretty typical here’s my example: Notice I set a bunch of session variables that I frequently use later in the application to display specific user information (such as dashboards etc.)


/////// LOGIN ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 
function login($username, $password) { global $db; $password = md5($password); 
//hash password //escape the string $username = $db--->qstr($username,get_magic_quotes_gpc());
$password = $db->qstr($password,get_magic_quotes_gpc());

// check if username is unique can be made stronger using a SQL placeholders.
$sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE Username=$username AND Passwd = $password";

$result = $db->execute($sql);

if (!$result || $db->ErrorNo() != 0 )
die("invalid result at login DBError No:".$db->ErrorNo() );
return false;


if ($result->RecordCount() >0 ) //get the first record
//setup the session details

//insert into log table
return true;
return false;


 Page Roles: Using roles or groups  is a convenient and easy to understand method of controlling user access to a specific page or block within a page.  I typically define the roles in the database then hard code them into the page where appropriate.  Here’s a function that I use to check if the user is a member of that group.

/** ********************************************************************************************************
* member_of_groups : checks to see if a particular user has is a member of a particualr group
* in the tag descriptions usage: member_of_groups('SALES,ACCOUNTING') , comma seperated group names based on the GROUPS table
* @returns true if the user IS A MEMBER , otherwise returns FALSE
* @params $groups is a comma delimited list of GROUPS in
* @version version 1.0
* @author acb <[email protected]>

function member_of_groups($groups=null)
global $CONFIG;

if ( $_SESSION['show_access']==true) //Show a visual indicator that this segment of the page requires authentication
echo "</pre>
<div class="lock">
<blockquote><strong> PERMISSIONS : ALLOWED GROUPS</strong>

if ( isset($_SESSION['user_id']) && isset($groups) ) //Check to see that the user is id is set
// $group= explode(",", $groups); // optional way of passing groups

//here's we're pulling the groups associated with this user from the database
$sql="SELECT count(*) FROM users_groups ug JOIN groups g ON g.gkey = ug.group_id WHERE ug.user_id = ".$_SESSION['user_id']."
AND g.title IN ( $groups )";

if ( $is_member >= 1)
return true;
return false;

} //end if
return false;



<strong> Login Attempts Alerts</strong>: Another common problem that occurs is invalid users trying to access the system with multiple username/password attempts. The simple scheme below simply keeps track of how many failed attempts occurred within a sort time frame then fires off an email to the system administrator to alert them of a problem.

$result = login($username,$password ); //valid user

if ($result)
setcookie("app[retries]", 0, time()- 3600 * 4 ); // Sets the cookie username
logEvent( $_SESSION['user'] ," <img alt="" src="images/_user_log_in.png" /> <b> ".$_SESSION['username']." </b> LOGGED IN SUCCESSFULLY "); //logs an event
redirect($_SESSION['home_uri']); //sends to the default users home page
setcookie("app[retries]", $_SESSION['retires']++, time()- 3600 * 4 ); // Sets the cookie username
Incorrect username or password, try again.
Make sure you're typing the password in the correct case. Check the CAPS lock.";
logEvent("visitor", FAILED LOG IN Invalid User ".$_REQUEST['username']. " Re-type password : Retry Attempt: ". $_SESSION['retires'] ); //logs an event

/* Detect multiple login attempts and send email to warn user and block IP */

if ( $_SESSION['retires'] >= $max_retry_attempts)
$place_holders["{to}"]="[email protected]";
$place_holders["{subject}"]="Multiple Log-in attempts for user account: ".$_REQUEST['username'];
$place_holders["{message}"]="It appears a visitor is trying to login with the user account: ".$_REQUEST['username']." and has already RE-TRIED: ". $_SESSION['retires']."times. \n\n Please check the user's Windows account is still active and not locked out, Also check that this is a valid user and not some unauthorized access. Visitor IP address: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

email_useTemplate($place_holders, $invalid_attempts_template); //Send email alert Alerts :

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