Cherry Blossoms Photo walk 2

Today we took advantage of the nice weather and during the peak of the Cherry Blossoms we did a little photo walking. Branch Brook Park is renowned for ts Cherry Blossom trees, and while they bloomed a little later than usual this year, we are lucky enough to live a mile from the park and so its easy to stop by anytime..

I also tried out my phones Photosphere picture featue, here’s a sample.

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Below are some select  photos of the Cherry Blossoms and other assorted flora, as well as photos of the Basilica of Sacred Heart. Enjoy.
Complete Photographs form the session can be found here:

2 thoughts on “Cherry Blossoms Photo walk

  1. Reply Susan Marx Apr 17,2013 10:56 am

    Beautiful photographs of Branch Brook Park with peak color. Nice use of sunlight on the Cathedral Basilica. Kudos to the City of Newark for the renovations and upkeep of this beautiful park. It is always an inspiration to me, as a painter.

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