Nav-e-Sink or Swim 2014

Nav-e-Sink or Swim 2014
Today, I took part in the 9th annual Nave-sink -or- swim, it’s a an open water swim race and festival held in Rumson, NJ at the Navesink cove at Victory Park. Again this year , like  the  last few years the weather was perfect, and the water was calm and myself plus around 500 swimmers, got ...

Why are we alone? the Fermi Paradox

Why are we alone? the Fermi Paradox
I came across an interesting read  the other morning  on my Flipboard news stream.. From Gizmodo The Fermi Paradox: Where the Hell Are the Other Earths?  . Basically the Fermi Paradox in a nutshell says, in such a vast universe such as ours with so many potential stars and planets why haven’t we seen evidence of ...
Newark , US
2:28 am
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High: 45°F
Low: 41°F
Wind: 10 mph