most Americans will likely retire into poverty 3

most Americans will likely retire into poverty
Came across an interesting 2¢ video on Youtube basically discussing what you need to do to have a shot at retirement.. needless to say it got me thinking..  and here’s my own 2cents conclusion..  Great video but oohhh 2¢ , way too optimistic with those projections. The short answer is that thanks to wealth inequality , probably ...

Log events via PHP to database with Windows or Linux command line

Log events via PHP to database with Windows or  Linux command line
Here’s a neat example (for Linux and Windows systems) of how to easily capture (log) and store the result of some script or program or really anything, in a central database table. Sure you could use just a log file, but spinning up an instance of MySQL (or SQLite) is trivial, and in the long ...

US taxes : why doesn’t the I.R.S Automate our tax returns?

US taxes : why doesn't the I.R.S Automate our tax returns?
It’s 2019 and the US government already has all the major  information about your annual taxes, so why are we still filing tax forms like its 1950’s? Sadly automated tax filing already exists in many countries, so  why not here in the US? simple answer corporate greed.,the tax preparation industry and lobbyists have pushed hard ...
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