I have posted lots of content on Reddit and I would like to make a copy of of these locally, just to have a local record and make it easier to search my posts.
There’s a couple of ways to do this, one method is simply Ask Reddit [email protected]., they provide an official Data Request form which they will process and send you a link to a CSV with your data
Alternatively tou can write a scirpt using their official APi to access the data.. To access Reddit API you need to go here and create an app for your Application https://www.reddit.com/prefs/apps/
How it works
1. Retrieves Reddit Posts and Comments
- It fetches a user’s Reddit posts and comments using the Reddit API.
- It retrieves both posts submitted by the user and comments they’ve made.
- It fetches a maximum of 500 comments.
2. Stores Data in a JSON File
- It saves the retrieved posts and comments into a single JSON file named “reddit_posts_comments.json”.
- The JSON file contains structured data, making it easy to analyze or use in other applications.
3. Requires Authentication
- It needs a Reddit API access token to access the user’s data.
- It can either load this token from a configuration file or prompt the user to enter their Reddit credentials to obtain a token.
4. Key Steps:
- Loads configuration (API keys, username, password) from a file or prompts for input.
- Obtains an access token from Reddit using the provided credentials.
- Retrieves posts submitted by the user.
- Retrieves comments made by the user.
- Generates full Reddit URLs for comments to link back to the original context.
- Saves both posts and comments in a structured JSON file.
5. Additional Features:
- Prints a banner with ASCII art at the beginning.
- Guides the user to obtain Reddit API credentials if needed.
- Saves the configuration to a file for future use.
The Go Code.
You can get the latest copy of the code at Github https://github.com/acbrandao/GoLang/blob/master/redditfetch.go
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Package: rmain // File: redditfetch.go // Simple command line Go application go retrive YOUR // comments and posts and save them to a local file in JSON Format // // Authors: Tony Brandao https://github.com/acbrandao, assisted by bard.google.com // Copyright (c) 2024 . // This code is licensed under the MIT license. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////// package main import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "log" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "time" ) const CONFIG_FILENAME = "reddit.config.json" type Config struct { ClientID string `json:"clientID"` ClientSecret string `json:"clientSecret"` Username string `json:"username"` Password string `json:"password"` UserAgent string `json:"userAgent"` } // RedditPost represents the structure of a Reddit post. type RedditPost struct { Headline string `json:"headline"` Text string `json:"text"` Ups int `json:"ups"` Date string `json:"date"` } // RedditPostResponse represents the structure of a Reddit post response. type RedditPostResponse struct { Data struct { Title string `json:"title"` Selftext string `json:"selftext"` Ups int `json:"ups"` CreatedUTC float64 `json:"created_utc"` } `json:"data"` } // RedditCommentResponse represents the structure of a Reddit comment response. type RedditCommentResponse struct { Data struct { Author string `json:"author"` Score int `json:"score"` Body string `json:"body"` Ups int `json:"ups"` CreatedUTC float64 `json:"created_utc"` Subreddit string `json:"subreddit"` CommentID string `json:"id"` PostID string `json:"link_id"` } `json:"data"` // Full Reddit URL derived from PostID FullRedditURL string `json:"full_reddit_url"` } // RedditCommentResponse represents the structure of a Reddit comments. type RedditComments struct { CommentID string `json:"id"` PostID string `json:"link_id"` Subreddit string `json:"subreddit"` Body string `json:"body"` Text string `json:"text"` Score int `json:"score"` Date string `json:"created_utc"` } //////////////////////////////// // start of main routnine func main() { banner := ` ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ` fmt.Println(banner) fmt.Print(" Reddit Post/Comment Go.Fetch retriever >>------> \n") config, err := loadConfig() if err != nil { fmt.Println("Config file not found. Please enter configuration values:") config = promptForConfig() if err := saveConfig(config); err != nil { fmt.Println("Error saving config:", err) return } } // Use the loaded config values here fmt.Println("Reading config file :", CONFIG_FILENAME) token, err := getAuthToken(config) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } posts, err := getUserPosts(token, config) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Fetch user comments comments, err := getUserComments(token, config) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } // Update comments with full Reddit URL for links to original comments updateCommentURLs(comments) // fmt.Println("Comments: ",comments) var redditPosts []RedditPost for _, post := range posts { redditPosts = append(redditPosts, RedditPost{ Headline: post.Data.Title, Text: post.Data.Selftext, Ups: post.Data.Ups, Date: time.Unix(int64(post.Data.CreatedUTC), 0).Format(time.RFC3339), }) } // Combine posts and comments into a single slice allData := []interface{}{} // allData = append(allData, posts) allData = append(allData, comments) // Save all data to a JSON file saveToTextFile(allData, "reddit_posts_comments.json") // saveToTextFile(redditPosts) } //end of main func getAuthToken(config Config) (string, error) { client := &http.Client{} access_token_url := "https://www.reddit.com/api/v1/access_token" fmt.Println("Getting Access toekn form ", access_token_url) req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", access_token_url, nil) if err != nil { return "", err } req.SetBasicAuth(config.ClientID, config.ClientSecret) req.Header.Set("User-Agent", config.UserAgent) req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") q := req.URL.Query() q.Add("grant_type", "password") q.Add("username", config.Username) q.Add("password", config.Password) req.URL.RawQuery = q.Encode() fmt.Println("Submitting credenitals to ", req.URL.RawPath) resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { return "", err } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return "", err } var tokenResponse struct { AccessToken string `json:"access_token"` } if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &tokenResponse); err != nil { return "", err } return tokenResponse.AccessToken, nil } // ... func getUserComments(token string, config Config) ([]RedditCommentResponse, error) { client := &http.Client{} limit := 500 fmt.Println("Requesting User Comments for ", config.Username) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://oauth.reddit.com/user/"+config.Username+"/comments?sort=top&t=all&limit="+strconv.Itoa(limit), nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } req.Header.Set("Authorization", "bearer "+token) req.Header.Set("User-Agent", config.UserAgent) resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer resp.Body.Close() fmt.Println("Comments: ", resp.Body) body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return nil, err } var commentsResponse struct { Data struct { Children []RedditCommentResponse `json:"children"` } `json:"data"` } if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &commentsResponse); err != nil { return nil, err } count := len(commentsResponse.Data.Children) fmt.Println("Number of Comments in the structure:", count) return commentsResponse.Data.Children, nil } // ... func getUserPosts(token string, config Config) ([]RedditPostResponse, error) { client := &http.Client{} fmt.Println("Fetching Maximum User Posts for ", config.Username) req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", "https://oauth.reddit.com/user/"+config.Username+"/submitted?sort=top&t=all", nil) if err != nil { return nil, err } req.Header.Set("Authorization", "bearer "+token) req.Header.Set("User-Agent", config.UserAgent) resp, err := client.Do(req) if err != nil { return nil, err } defer resp.Body.Close() body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body) if err != nil { return nil, err } var postsResponse struct { Data struct { Children []RedditPostResponse `json:"children"` } `json:"data"` } if err := json.Unmarshal(body, &postsResponse); err != nil { return nil, err } count := len(postsResponse.Data.Children) fmt.Println("Number of Posts retrieved:", count) return postsResponse.Data.Children, nil } // func saveToTextFile(posts []RedditPost) { // fileData, err := json.MarshalIndent(posts, "", " ") // if err != nil { // log.Fatal(err) // } // err = ioutil.WriteFile("reddit_posts.json", fileData, 0644) // if err != nil { // log.Fatal(err) // } // fmt.Println("Reddit posts saved to reddit_posts.json") // } func saveToTextFile(data []interface{}, filename string) { fileData, err := json.MarshalIndent(data, "", " ") if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } err = ioutil.WriteFile(filename, fileData, 0644) if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } fmt.Printf("Reddit data saved to %s\n", filename) } func updateCommentURLs(comments []RedditCommentResponse) { for i := range comments { // example URL: https://www.reddit.com/r/the_everything_bubble/comments/19702zi/ comments[i].FullRedditURL = "https://www.reddit.com/r/" + comments[i].Data.Subreddit + "/comments/" + comments[i].Data.PostID } } func promptForConfig() Config { var config Config fmt.Println("visit Reddit API https://www.reddit.com/wiki/api/ then https://old.reddit.com/prefs/apps/") fmt.Println("to get the neecessary access Client ID and Cleint Secret.") fmt.Println("Please enter the following information:") fmt.Print("Client ID: ") fmt.Scanln(&config.ClientID) fmt.Print("Client Secret: ") fmt.Scanln(&config.ClientSecret) fmt.Print("Username: ") fmt.Scanln(&config.Username) fmt.Print("Password: ") fmt.Scanln(&config.Password) fmt.Print("User Agent: ") fmt.Scanln(&config.UserAgent) return config } func saveConfig(config Config) error { file, err := os.Create(CONFIG_FILENAME) if err != nil { return err } defer file.Close() encoder := json.NewEncoder(file) return encoder.Encode(config) } func loadConfig() (Config, error) { file, err := os.Open(CONFIG_FILENAME) if err != nil { return Config{}, err } defer file.Close() decoder := json.NewDecoder(file) var config Config if err := decoder.Decode(&config); err != nil { return Config{}, err } return config, nil }
Great ? app thabks
How do I get the API keys,
API Keys require :
Register for a Reddit account on the Reddit website.
Navigate to the Apps & API section of your account settings to find your API key.
Create a Reddit API application to obtain your client ID and client secret.
Get the refresh token to access the API.