Twitter like alerts via simple Jquery and PHP 3

Twitter like alerts via simple Jquery and PHP
One of the minor challenges of creating a web application , is to indicate that something was successfully or unsuccessfully  completed when transitioning to a new page or screen. I find it’s very important and reassuring to let user’s know what has happened , whether it worked or whether there was a problem. Typically a simple status message would ...

Update: When on Robots do all the work? on 60 Minutes…

Update: When on Robots do all the work? on 60 Minutes...
Lo and behold to my surprise yesterday, when 60 Minutes ran a story on exactly the topic I posted about a few months back, What happens When Robots do all the work? Pretty much this 60 Minutes  story touched on all the points I discussed on my original blog posting. I recommend you watch the video here: ...

Tomorrow’s world: BBC infographic

Tomorrow’s world:  BBC infographic
Interesting infographic about the future Having just recently posted a blog entry on the future of work.  I was reading my Flipboard feed and came across this interesting infographic from the BBC Future web site.  I found it amusing and interesting because some of the predictions (And that’s what these are) some of them coincide with my ...

Bitcoin – currency fail .. or future of money?

Bitcoin - currency fail .. or future of money?
I’ve been pretty intrigued by bitcoin lately. If your not familiar with bitcoin you can of course head over to the wikipedia bitcoin   entry or you can head over to this no nonsense  post bitcoing post on  gizmodo .  In a nutshell bitcoin is an on-line digital currency (sometimes referred to as a crypto-currency) ...

the Running 3-Amigos

the Running 3-Amigos
Christine, Duncan and myself, have been very competitive this year. What I find so enjoyable about our ongoing running rivalry , is how close in capability all three of us are. On any given day one of us can beat the other two and this has made for some memorable races.

Improving Distance per Stroke: Me vs. Lil Miss Swim Camp

Improving Distance per Stroke: Me vs. Lil Miss Swim Camp
As I learn more and  improve my freestyle swimming technique, I’ve quickly realized that distance per stroke is a very important concept, that one should focus on and strive to improve. Distance per stroke (DPS for short) is how far each arm stroke propels you through the water. The actual distance is mostly related to ...

Race Report: My first 70.3 Triathlon, Providence RI

Race Report: My first 70.3 Triathlon, Providence RI
This is my race report of the 2012 Amica 70.3 Ironman in Providence, Rhode Island. It was my first attempt at the 70.3 distance, and it was an interesting experience to say the least.  Below is my race report. Pre-race I partly choose this 70.3 because it was one of two (the other is Eagleman which I’m doing this ...

2012 Lincoln Park Triathlon videos

2012 Lincoln Park Triathlon videos
Last weekend I did the Lincoln Park Triathlon, a fantastic local sprint triathlon. Bike Segment: I had my Contour Pro mounted on my bike and below is an abridged view of the first lap. Link to Direct YouTube video