Code Sample: PHP Backup MySQL and files to Dropbox 17

Code Sample: PHP Backup MySQL and files to Dropbox
Most web hosts have the ability via their control panel to offer an entire site backup , and this is the minimal functionality you  should consider. Generally there’s a site backup link within the control panel that create a tar ball (.zip file)  of the entire site and its contents. then you can email,or simply download ...

Twitter like alerts via simple Jquery and PHP 3

Twitter like alerts via simple Jquery and PHP
One of the minor challenges of creating a web application , is to indicate that something was successfully or unsuccessfully  completed when transitioning to a new page or screen. I find it’s very important and reassuring to let user’s know what has happened , whether it worked or whether there was a problem. Typically a simple status message would ...

Code Samples – Preventing simultaneous web updates 3

Code Samples - Preventing simultaneous web updates
Below are some interesting problems and solutions that I have come accross. Problem: In a web based system how to you prevent simultaneous web updates (aka overwrites) to the same record by different users seeing potentially different data. This is a play on the old airline reservation problem you find in older computer science text books. If ...

Sample Code: Quick and Dirty PHP Cache 4

Sample Code: Quick and Dirty PHP Cache
Here’s a variation of a PHP caching script. One of the things I frequently find myself doing for page(s) that take a long time to render, especially if they are a long running process, is to generally save a recent cached page (or more specifically) cached content and serving that up, when I need to have an immediate page ...

Sample Code: Basic Login , Roles authentication and Login attempt alerts.

Problem:  In most web based system one of the most commonly used process is user authentication and page access. This Login function is pretty typical here’s my example: Notice I set a bunch of session variables that I frequently use later in the application to display specific user information (such as dashboards etc.) <?php /////// ...

Sample Code: PHP Captcha Simple 8

Sample Code: PHP Captcha Simple
Problem: Web form spam or bot induced form submissions  is a common issue these days on we pages that have forms. The simplest way to thwart such spam is to use a captcha. There are many varieties of captcha but today I’m going to focus on some simple code that does the job quickly and ...