web page hot reload in plain JavaScript + Apache & PHP 4

web page hot reload in plain JavaScript + Apache & PHP
Hot re-loading, that is automatically updating the web page, when its content changes on the server, into the browser is a convenient developer aid for modern tooling like, webpack, AngularJS, ReactJS, VueJS etc.  I created   super simple  way  by just adding one JavaScript include at the bottom of your file and it works with a ...

Javascript Server Sent Events SSE easy tutorial demo of (EventSource) 6

Javascript Server  Sent Events SSE easy tutorial demo of (EventSource)
This  easy to follow tutorial will show you how to stream server data  (sometimes called SSE’s, Server Sent Events) , in real-time to your browser. Using  Javascript’s EventSource API  interface we can seamlessly update and display on a web page real-time  server-sent data  all without the complexities of setting up a web socket server. Why ...

my Retirement calculator (javascript) – can you retire now? 2

my Retirement calculator (javascript) - can you retire now?
I decided to create a modern, easy to use and practical on-line retirement calculator, and I open-sourced it too!  There are ton’s of these available all over the internet, but none really quite had enough details or the specific details I wanted to make them useful.  So I approached this  retirement calculator from the FIRE ...

Top 10 incredibly useful Javascript / Jquery code snippets 2

Top 10 incredibly useful Javascript  / Jquery  code snippets
Here’s my list of 10 useful  JavaScript &  some Jquery code snippets.  The  code snippets below are pretty useful and find myself reusing them again and again in all sorts of situations.  I have created full-page examples of these snippets, go grab them over at my [icon name=”github” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Javascript Github Repo  Note: For ...

Twitter like alerts via simple Jquery and PHP 3

Twitter like alerts via simple Jquery and PHP
One of the minor challenges of creating a web application , is to indicate that something was successfully or unsuccessfully  completed when transitioning to a new page or screen. I find it’s very important and reassuring to let user’s know what has happened , whether it worked or whether there was a problem. Typically a simple status message would ...

html5 – javascript game frameworks? – Game Development

html5 - javascript game frameworks? - Game Development
HTML5 Gaming I’m beginning to look into various html5 javascript game and graphics frameworks.  The toughest part is always choosing a good framework in the beginning, since its such a time investment to learn a new API , plus hope that the framework is popular enough so bugs are fixed quickly and it matures rapidly.   This ...
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