2022 HASHathon 6.2-Mile Trail Run

2022 HASHathon 6.2-Mile Trail Run
This year I took part in the 41st annual 6-mile Trail Run Hashathon in the Cheesequake State Park  Park in Matawan, NJ. This trail run is a fun and entertaining jaunt through the various trails of the Cheesequake State Park, the run is both challenging and fun, and can get rather slippery and muddy depending ...

2017 Rutgers Unite 13.1 half

2017 Rutgers Unite 13.1 half
This year Rutgers 13.1 fell on the same day as the Cherry Blossom 10k , so Christine and I decided to do Rutgers 13.1 (last year we sided with Cherry Blossom 10k) , Christine and I once again were back to take on the Rutgers/Unite 13.1 half marathon. Weather was perfect clear blue skies and ...

2016 Portugal Day 5k Ironbound

2016 Portugal Day 5k Ironbound
Today myself a bunch of other runners took part in the 2016 annual Portugal day 5k.  This race has special meaning to me, its in my old neighborhood of the Ironbound, and it was the first organized race I did back in my younger days ( it used to be a 2-mile and 10k back ...

2016 Rutgers/Unite 13.1 Half marathon

2016 Rutgers/Unite 13.1 Half marathon
This is an abbreviated race report, After missing last years Rutgers 13.1 (due to a schedule conflict with Cherry Blossom 10k) , Christine and I once again were back to take on the Rutgers/Unite 13.1 half marathon. Weather was perfect clear blue skies and temps in  the high 50’s at the race start. Christine would ...

2015 Ashenfelter 8k

2015 Ashenfelter 8k
Belated happy thanksgiving to all. Ran the annual local turkey trot 8k (Thanksgiving morning) , this well known and extremely popular (3000+ runners) Ashenfelter 8k in Glen Ridge ,NJ is a fantastic race, and a nice one to close out my running season.. Weather was perfect today, and had a blast during the race. Check out the ...

2015 Cherry Blossom 10k

2015 Cherry Blossom 10k
Finally we have had some nice weather, and this last Sunday myself and a group of friends once again met at Branch Brook park for the 39th  edition of the Essex County Cherry Blossom 10K, my local hometown race. This year I choose to do this race instead of Rutgers half marathon which was held on this ...

2014 Sunset Classic 5mi

2014 Sunset Classic 5mi
Today a few friends and myself took part in the 26th edition of the Bloomfield Sunset Classic 5 miler. The race is held in my neighboring town in the early evening on a weeknight typically in the humid and hot weather of a  NJ summer. This year proved very hot and humid.. true to form.. ...

Portugal Day 5k 2

Portugal Day 5k
Today myself and a group of friends took part in the annual Portugal day 5k.  This race has special meaning to me, its in my old neighborhood of the Ironbound, and it was the first organized race I did back in my younger days ( it used to be a 2-mile and 10k back then), ...
Newark , US
1:16 pm
Clear sky
High: 35°F
Low: 31°F
Wind: 22 mph