What if we randomly picked qualified citizens to govern us? called Sortition aka. “Lottocracy”

What if we randomly picked qualified citizens to govern us? called Sortition aka.
Imagine a political system where your neighbor could become a legislator overnight, not through campaign donations or party connections, but through a process as impartial as drawing a name from a hat. This system exists, and it’s called sortition – the selection of political officials through random lottery from the citizenry. Ancient Roots, Modern Relevance ...

most Americans will likely retire into poverty 3

most Americans will likely retire into poverty
Came across an interesting 2¢ video on Youtube basically discussing what you need to do to have a shot at retirement.. needless to say it got me thinking..  and here’s my own 2cents conclusion..  Great video but oohhh 2¢ , way too optimistic with those projections. The short answer is that thanks to wealth inequality , probably ...

US taxes : why doesn’t the I.R.S Automate our tax returns?

US taxes : why doesn't the I.R.S Automate our tax returns?
It’s 2019 and the US government already has all the major  information about your annual taxes, so why are we still filing tax forms like its 1950’s? Sadly automated tax filing already exists in many countries, so  why not here in the US? simple answer corporate greed.,the tax preparation industry and lobbyists have pushed hard ...

Topics I wish were taught in high school; but wasn’t ..

Topics I wish were taught in high school; but wasn't ..
Having grown up in the US and having gone through the public education system from K to 12 grade in the 90’s  , I have a pretty strong opinion  about some of BASIC LIFE KNOWLEDGE I SHOULD HAVE BEEN TAUGHT, but wasn’t. Rather as an adult I had to piece together this knowledge through experience. ...

interesting Tedx Talk on Basic Income & fix for capitalism

interesting Tedx Talk on Basic Income & fix for capitalism
Recently came across this on my Youtube feed. A pretty interesting Tedx talk on future of work, inequality and how a UBI (Universal Basic Income ), may actually work to solve some of today’s structure inequality issues. The talk by Federico Pistono | Basic income and other ways to fix capitalism , gives us a really strong ...

Ten conspiracy predictions that may well be true… 2

Ten conspiracy predictions that may well be true...
I’m typically not a conspiracy theory person, I’m pretty confident most things have a reasonable and justifiable explanation, but I too  like to indulge my questioning side, and for fun (no I’m not losing it) ask what if?..  Now this posting isn’t unique, and if you think conspiracy theories are always bunk look  here 10 ...

Why are we alone? the Fermi Paradox

Why are we alone? the Fermi Paradox
I came across an interesting read  the other morning  on my Flipboard news stream.. From Gizmodo The Fermi Paradox: Where the Hell Are the Other Earths?  . Basically the Fermi Paradox in a nutshell says, in such a vast universe such as ours with so many potential stars and planets why haven’t we seen evidence of ...
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