the Equilateral triathlon: giving swimmers more equality… 4

the Equilateral triathlon: giving swimmers more equality...
For those of us who do multi-sport events, notably triathlons, it might have occurred to you that why do the triathlon distances seem to have shorter legs (time wise) for swimming relative to the other two sports? This is an interesting topic and the idea of having more uniform triathlon distance , known as the ...

Triathlon Season 2012

Triathlon Season 2012
2012 Triathlon… a return So 2012 was an interesting year for me. After more than 15 years of not competing in any kind of athletics I decide to take up running, swimming and biking and take part in a bunch of races all in one year.. . Crazy .. for sure.. but sooo .. much ...

Race Report: My first 70.3 Triathlon, Providence RI

Race Report: My first 70.3 Triathlon, Providence RI
This is my race report of the 2012 Amica 70.3 Ironman in Providence, Rhode Island. It was my first attempt at the 70.3 distance, and it was an interesting experience to say the least.  Below is my race report. Pre-race I partly choose this 70.3 because it was one of two (the other is Eagleman which I’m doing this ...

2012 Lincoln Park Triathlon videos

2012 Lincoln Park Triathlon videos
Last weekend I did the Lincoln Park Triathlon, a fantastic local sprint triathlon. Bike Segment: I had my Contour Pro mounted on my bike and below is an abridged view of the first lap. Link to Direct YouTube video
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